This week, July 18-22, 148Apps took a bold new step by acknowledging the changing landscape of iOS gaming and reviewing so-called “freemium” and ad-supported games. Though these new terms for games are sometimes used interchangeably, Rob LeFebvre writes, “We had to make sure that all of our writers were approaching these games from the same angle. Let's face it, all free games are not created equal. So we created a short term list for our writers, to help us all get on the same page when talking about them.”
Read more about this new glossary-in-progress here.
Over on sister site Giggleapps, reviews included the oddly-named but strangely compelling Presidents Vs. Aliens, where children are rewarded for knowing various facts about America’s presidents by being allowed to “fling a president's head at these invaders, trying to knock as many down as possible.” Given the never-ending debate over the debt ceiling that is currently raging in Washington, a game like this sounds like a good stress reliever for politicians and non-politicians alike.
Read the full review on GiggleApps.
Presidents vs. Aliens
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Read Our Full Review >> writer Sharon L. Cohen reported on the growing consumer hunger for more apps on Apple’s iOS behemoth. She states, “The typical user will download 83 apps this year compared to 51 in 2010. That's a whopping 61 percent increase in one year.” iOS users are also showing a willingness to pay more for apps, a trend developers will surely want to keep a close eye on.
Read Sharon’s full report on
Finally, our 148Apps lists showed that Angry Birds continued its unrivaled dominance in both the paid games and paid apps categories of Apple’s App Store, while Scrabble was still top of the heap when it came to top all-time iPhone apps.
Angry Birds
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Read Our Full Review >>
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $2.99
Read Our Full Review >>
That’s it for this week. Check out our full page of lists and our ongoing community conversations on Twitter and Facebook.
Apps mentioned in this post: Angry Birds, Presidents vs. Aliens, SCRABBLEAbout: This Week at 148Apps: July 18-22 is a post from 148Apps
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