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Monday, November 7, 2011

Centripetal Review

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Centripetal Review

on November 7th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: PUZZLE TETHERBALL
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Centripetal is a difficult, but very addicting maze game with a tetherball twist.


Developer: Phoenix 911 Networking Group
Price: $0.99
Version: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPad

Graphics / Sound Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Puzzle maze genre, meet tetherball. Tetherball, meet puzzle maze genre. Centripetal, designed for iPhone and iPad, is an interesting combination of the aforementioned styles of gaming. Playing the game is like trying to solve physics problems while also swinging from a rope. I know. Awkward. My brain was both intrigued and overheated after a few rounds of this game.

The point of the game is to get the blue glowing orb to the exit, which is indicated by the purple circle normally at the opposite side of the screen. And while the goal is simple, undertaking the physical motion of swinging the orb to the other side is rather difficult.

Where most puzzle games allow the player to tilt, tap or swipe, Centripetal only allows them to activate a central point where a rope slings out and is automatically attached to the ball. Say the player wants to swing the ball to the left, they would need to position the central point, activated by touching the screen with one finger, and be on the left side of the screen. Oh, and the ball is always bouncing so if connected to the tether on the up bounce then the ball is going to swing to the upper left or upper right. If the ball is moving downward when attached then it will swing to the bottom left or bottom right.

My only gripe bout gameplay is the lack of a tutorial, which adds to the headache of the first few levels as getting the ball from one side to the other is pure luck. However, I will say that after the first few levels I was getting pretty good at knowing where to place the tether to get my ball going in the right direction.

And just when the player starts to get the hang of the game mechanics, the developer decided to throw obstacles in the way in the form of blocks that impede progress or circles that have certain airflows and red orbs that continuously move. They are the worst and will frustrate just about anyone who steps into the ring. Then, if obstacles weren’t enough, certain levels feature a border of fire hazards that when touched disintegrate the ball and start the turn over.

If a very difficult puzzle with a unique twist of integrating tetherball mechanics is something of interest, then Centripetal will be plenty of fun. Beware, its difficulty is fierce, but its addictiveness is even more fierce.


Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
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Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: PUZZLE TETHERBALL
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Released: 2011-08-26 :: Category: Games

Apps mentioned in this post: Centripetal

About: Centripetal Review is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 08 Nov, 2011

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Rate Test Drives Easily With Test Drive Assistant

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Buying a car is frequently pretty enjoyable but it’s also often stressful. Making such an expensive decision is a complicated endeavour, even more so once a few test drives have been conducted. Having spent a while test driving numerous cars, I can safely say it’s easy to get confused as to what was so good about which car. Enter Test Drive Assistant in an attempt to demystify all that.

Test Drive Assistant is an app that provides 11 basic test drive related questions that users can answer as they test out each vehicle. Then, the app provides a rating based upon the answers given and, at a glance, users can see which vehicle is best for their needs.

Further functionality is provided through the ability to add more questions as well as images of the vehicle, allowing for side-by-side comparisons of the test driven motors.

It should take out all the stress and worry for those who plan on test driving a number of different vehicles over many days.

Test Drive Assistant is out now priced at $2.99.

Apps mentioned in this post: Test Drive Assistant

About: Rate Test Drives Easily With Test Drive Assistant is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 08 Nov, 2011

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Add The Graphic Novel Touch To Images With ToonPAINT

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Having spent many years of my life trying to draw, I’ve come to accept that I’m never going to be a comic book illustrator, as much as I’d love to be. Apps like ToonPAINT go some way to repairing my bruised ego, however. It’s an app that allows users to create cartoon images from their own photos.

Once the image is imported, the app converts it to a sketch format and opens up the possibility of coloring in the photo. Using some fancy image processing algorithms and a series of different colors, ToonPAINT opens ordinary photos up to the world of the graphic novel look. It’s all very easy to do but with some pretty cool results.

It’s a neat app and doubles up as a great way to entertain kids who never fail to love coloring pictures in.

ToonPAINT is normally priced at $1.99 but until November 12th, it’s available for free. Enjoy the artistic creations that this app can produce.

Apps mentioned in this post: ToonPAINT

About: Add The Graphic Novel Touch To Images With ToonPAINT is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 08 Nov, 2011

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Monkey Bongo Review

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Monkey Bongo Review

on November 7th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: MAD MONKEYS
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Working together to bring bananas to toucans, these monkeys give a certain group of birds a run for their money.


Developer: Pangea Software
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2

Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Considering how much of a worldwide phenomenon Angry Birds has become, absolutely no one should be surprised that others are looking to cash in on that formula. With that in mind, it would be pretty easy to just write off Monkey Bongo as an Angry Birds clone. However, while it does use the Angry Bird’s gameplay at its core, Monkey Bongo expands on and deviates from it so much that it becomes its own, arguably better, game.

Things start off simple enough. Dragging across the screen makes a monkey throw a banana to a toucan instead of flinging a bird into a pile of pigs. Then stuff starts ramping up as the game starts introducing its quirks slowly and intelligently. Sometimes the monkey will have to break boxes with coconuts. Sometimes it’ll have to bounce the banana off of a bongo. Sometimes it’ll have to pass the banana to another monkey or swing on a vine to get a better angle. Sometimes it’ll even have to blow some stuff up. By the end of the fifty levels spread across five themed world like the forest and the city, players will be jumping through a lot of hoops to get that toucan that banana.

These complications make the game quite varied and satisfying. However, the unfortunate cost is that occasionally the puzzle the game asks one to solve is a little too vague. Plus, some of the hit detection is a little off and that combined with a low tolerance for player imprecision leads to many difficulty spikes, lost bananas and accidental deaths. The easy mode alleviates some of these issues by showing the arc of shots but that also limits the score that can be earned.

At least it has monkeys though and who doesn’t love them? These polygonal monkeys are cartoonish in a way reminiscent of the old Ape Escape games. The environments too are colorful and bright with some particularly nice fire effects on the torches and TNT explosions. As for the music, it’s upbeat and tropical and full of steel drums. It does the job but doesn’t really stand out.

Anyone looking to see what happens when Angry Birds gets a healthy injection of creativity should check out Monkey Bongo. Its flaws are small but persistent enough to keep it from being one of the best iOS games around but not enough to stop it from being an incredibly enjoyable one.

Monkey Bongo

Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
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Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: MAD MONKEYS
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Released: 2011-10-29 :: Category: Games

Apps mentioned in this post: Monkey Bongo

About: Monkey Bongo Review is a post from 148Apps

Jordan Minor 08 Nov, 2011

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Cooking Dash Kicks it Up a Notch with Emeril Lagasse

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Fans of games like Diner Dash and Parking Dash are familiar with the work of PlayFirst. With Cooking Dash they are looking to break out even further into the mainstream with the help of two powerful partners: celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse and HSN, the Home Shopping Network. Those with the iPhone game can now access a free update with the new “HSN Cooks with Emeril” mode.

Cooking Dash has players controlling Flo as she takes on the hectic responsibilities of running a restaurant. As players progress they gain access to new, more challenging venues. One of the key features of this update is that it allows players, with Emeril’s help, to try running a restaurant featuring food from Mr. Lagasse himself. Also, all the equipment players will encounter is official Emerilware cooking supplies. By working with HSN, the game then allows players to purchase those very same supplies through PlayFirst’s new DashMart virtual store.

The update is currently live and in celebration, PlayFirst is offering Cooking Dash for $0.99 instead of its usual price of $2.99. Anyone who liked Cooking Dash but thought it needed more catchphrases like “bam” and whatnot might give “HSN Cooks with Emeril” a shot.

Apps mentioned in this post: Cooking Dash

About: Cooking Dash Kicks it Up a Notch with Emeril Lagasse is a post from 148Apps

Jordan Minor 08 Nov, 2011

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Doctor Who Encyclopedia Review

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Doctor Who Encyclopedia Review

on November 7th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★½☆ :: COMPREHENSIVE-ISH
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad

An encyclopaedic collection of all things Doctor Who.


Developer: Random House
Price: $6.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2

iPhone Integration Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars
User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Re-use Value Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 3.58 out of 5 stars

At nearly 50 years old, Doctor Who has rightfully gained many fans along with an entire Universe of fascinating facts devoted to the long running series. So, what better way to discover this huge wealth of information than on an iPad loaded with the Doctor Who Encyclopedia? It’s not all plain sailing admittedly but it does provide a great basis for fans, especially those who love the current Doctor.

The presentation of the app is outstanding. Users can swipe around the screen with a Tardis backdrop, or they can just choose from a series of menus. Plenty of information is provided in an attractive way with numerous links and connections. Sections for enemies and allies are provided with a photo and description of the character, as well as places and objects also being catered for. Further interesting news comes from the episode and series guide with episode previews included, as well as the ability to buy episodes through iTunes.

It’s all very neatly done. Everything has a certain element of polish making Doctor Who Encyclopedia a great interactive book of sorts. Doctor Who fans will love spending time browsing around all the information. I certainly learnt a lot despite watching all the recent episodes. It’s a great sign of the depth of the show.

Two pivotal problems emerge however. The lesser problem of the two is the inability to do anything with the photos in the gallery. It would have been great if users could save images to their iPad to use as wallpaper, for instance. The other problem is the price. The app is initially $6.99 but only comes with knowledge about the latest Doctor: Matt Smith. Those who want to have the same encyclopediac knowledge about the previous two doctors: David Tennant and Christopher Eccelston have to pay the same again for each doctor. For the full package, that’s a pretty hefty $20.97 which, even despite the over 3,000 entries, is pretty expensive for one Science Fiction series encyclopedia app. A shame given as the app is of a high quality otherwise.

Doctor Who Encyclopedia

iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
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Our Rating: ★★★½☆ :: COMPREHENSIVE-ISH
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Released: 2011-11-02 :: Category: Books

Apps mentioned in this post: Doctor Who Encyclopedia

About: Doctor Who Encyclopedia Review is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 08 Nov, 2011

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