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Thursday, October 20, 2011

TouchBase Calendar Review

TouchBase Calendar Review

on October 20th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: VERY USEFUL
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad

TouchBase Calendar is equally ideal for the social butterfly or the workaholic business person thanks to its intelligent appointment tracking.


Developer: Tomo
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4

iPhone Integration Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
User Interface Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Re-use Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4.17 out of 5 stars

We all know there are a ton of different Calendar apps out there. Each vying for your attention but many offering an experience not unlike the built-in Calendar app that’s already provided. However, a fair amount of thought seems to have been put into TouchBase Calendar with it offering a intelligent way of keeping track of appointments and an even more effective way of informing other attendees what’s going on.

Linking up with the built-in calendar app, TouchBase Calendar retrieves all relevant appointments, saving the user time in adding entries themselves. The key selling point for TouchBase Calendar is the fact that it makes it so easy to communicate with relevant people to do with the meeting. A quick tap on the appointment and it’s possible to retrieve map and direction details, the exact time of the meeting and crucially the means to communicate. It takes a little mastering to ensure that the right terms are added for the app to figure things out, but the tips section does a great job of explaining how to do this correctly.

TouchBase Calendar appreciates that for those users in a rush, they don’t always want to take the time to enter a long SMS or email explaining why. Instead, a series of options are provided: SMS, Call and Email. Tapping on SMS or Email brings up the option to compose a personalized message to the contact but it also offers some predefined messages. Users have 1 touch functionality to let recipients know that they’ve just got there or that they’re running late by 5 minutes, right up to 20 minutes or more. It’s as simple as that but a great time saver.

The intelligence doesn’t stop there though. The app figures out from event details who the appointment is with and where, thus offering that information via contact details or Google Maps without any need to manually input it. It’s a neat touch and for those with weeks full of appointments, a valuable timesaver.

It’s not all plain sailing. I found upon first loading the app that it kept crashing whenever I tried to enter my own contact details. There’s a simple workaround for it by just tapping cancel and I do wonder if it’s possibly due to my iPhone 4 still running iOS4.2 rather than iOS5.0.

That minor glitch aside and TouchBase Calendar is a great productivity app. It’s simple to use with pretty much everything involving just one tap to implement making it ideal for people constantly on the move. For the business person dealing with many different appointments at once, it’s a great replacement for the standard Calendar app.

Apps mentioned in this post: TouchBase Calendar: 1-Touch SMS, Calling & Maps for your Calendar

About: TouchBase Calendar Review is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 21 Oct, 2011

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Skillz Review

Skillz Review

on October 20th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: STUNNING
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad

Skillz is a challenging but visually and musically stunning music rhythm game.


Developer: Playpen Studios
Price: $5.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.1
Device Reviewed On: iPad 2

Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.75 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4.19 out of 5 stars

Skillz requires genuine skillz to master. That’s the first and only time that I’m going to make a skills joke. The game is pretty darn challenging though.

At first, there’s the matter of figuring out the best way of holding the iPad. As a DJ Hero style game, Skillz is a title that requires both hands to be quickly moving at all times. The best method is to place the device on a flat surface and tap from that angle. This isn’t a game that can be played while on public transport by any means. The player controls two turntables – one on each side of the screen – as well as a crossfader and sample buttons along the bottom. With so much going on, there’s a lot to take in.

The actual interace is reminisicent of Guitar Hero as well as DJ Hero. The cross fader is frequently used with a flurry of notes requiring players to move it from left to right. At the same time, numerous scratches will need to be implemented too thanks to the turntable side of the screen. It’s a lot to keep track of and at first, the difficulty curve is fiercely steep. I’ve played plenty of music rhythm games in the past and I was still surprised at the difficulty level on offer here. Even Easy mode takes some getting used to. Fortunately, that does make pulling off a great move all the more satisfying.

Fierce difficulty aside and Skillz is an ideal music rhythm game. There’s no noticeable lag meaning that beats can be lined up accurately. Players will only fail because they’re not good enough, never because the game falls behind. The Career Mode adds structure to the event with a Custom Play mode geared towards those just wanting a brief go at the game. Five different stages keep things looking interesting and there’s an impressive selection of up to 25 different remixes to play. These aren’t unknown artists either with the likes of Diplo, Kid Cudi, Crookers and Fedde Le Grand available. DLC is available too for a small fee.

Skillz takes plenty of practice but it’s a rewarding title nonetheless. It captures the spirit of console based music games perfectly with some impressive production values making it all the better.

Skillz for iPad

iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
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Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: STUNNING
Read Our Full Review >>
Released: 2011-09-08 :: Category: Games

Apps mentioned in this post: Skillz for iPad

About: Skillz Review is a post from 148Apps

Jennifer Allen 21 Oct, 2011

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Crimson: Steam Pirates Review

Crimson: Steam Pirates Review

on October 20th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★½ :: SMOOTH SAILING
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad

Take the high seas in this Caribbean treat!


Developer: Bungie Aerospace
Price: FREE
Version: 1.0.0
App Reviewed on: iPad 2

Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4.31 out of 5 stars

When you think of the name Bungie, it is hard not have a certain Chief of the masterful variety come to mind.  After a decade of slaving away in the salt mines of console land, the storied developer has managed to break free of Microsoft’s shackles.  The now independent publisher has been hard at work on their first game not published by their previous overlords, but when it was announced to be a turn-based strategy game, many an eyebrow was cocked.  Are these concerns warranted, or is this just business as usual for one of the best teams out there?

Crimson: Steam Pirates is a steampunk strategy game set on the high seas.  Players will note that right out of the gate that they will be inundated with walls of text, helping to set the scene for the action at hand.  It is very obvious that there has been immense amounts of thought put into the game’s narrative. Quite frankly, this much exposition is unnecessary, especially considering the genre, but acts as evidence of the high bar of quality.

Navigating ships throughout the Caribbean, combat can be found around every corner.  The controls to move vessels are straightforward as well as gradually built upon as more abilities are added to the arsenal.  Progressing successfully not only ensures player growth, but also a satisfying payoff upon completion.  After playing through the initial free chapter containing eight stages, it will be hard to not want to plunk down the additional $1.99 to purchase the second chapter of the quest, with more chapters still in the pipeline down the road.

Complementing the title’s stellar visual flare and presentation are a duo of hot seat multiplayer modes to keep the action high amongst friends.  Using the skills perfected in the campaign, it is constantly thrilling to see who is the true scourge of the high seas.

Just the fact that this is a Bungie game should alone be enough to garner the interest of any gamer.  Combine that with the freemium pricing model that gives you the first chapter of the game for free, and this is a surefire shot of success.  Download it now before they decide to wise up and start charging for it.  Even if that happened it would STILL be worth it!

Apps mentioned in this post: Crimson: Steam Pirates

About: Crimson: Steam Pirates Review is a post from 148Apps

Blake Grundman 21 Oct, 2011

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Portable Music Creation From IK Multimedia And SampleTank

IK Multimedia has built up quite a reputation for its numerous products aimed at professional musicians. Whether it be the iKlip, iKlip Mini or AmpliTube, there’s something for every form of music recording. Such variety has been enhanced, today, with the release of SampleTank an app that promises to be ‘the first professional quality sound and groove module that puts hundreds of world-class instruments and patterns in your pocket’.

The app allows its users to play SampleTank instruments on stage with the addition of the iRig MIDI interface and a conventional keyboard controller, or directly with the on screen keyboard.

SampleTank is out now in two different varieties. The free version of SampleTank includes 8 different instruments and over 400 patterns of riffs and grooves. A version priced at $9.99 includes 72 instruments and over 900 different patterns. Numerous in-app purchases are available ranging from $4.99 to $39.99. These can increase the number of instruments to 16 different instrument categories, offering in all over 400 instruments that cover pretty much everything worth considering. Drums, pianos, bass, guitars, synthesizers, strings, percussions, it’s all in there.

Check out the video below for a full view of exactly how it all works.

Apps mentioned in this post: SampleTank, SampleTank FREE

About: Portable Music Creation From IK Multimedia And SampleTank is a post from 148Apps

Carter Dotson 21 Oct, 2011

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Mage Gauntlet Review

Mage Gauntlet Review

on October 20th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★☆ :: IT'S MAGIC
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Mage Gauntlet is a new action RPG from Rocketcat Games, that focuses on the action side of the action RPG equation.


Developer: Rocketcat Games
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPod touch 4

Graphics / Sound Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 3.88 out of 5 stars

Rocketcat Games has launched a game that is quite revolutionary for them: it’s not based around swinging on a grappling hook! Instead, their latest, Mage Gauntlet, is an action RPG. Well, it’s an action game with RPG elements, anyway. The only real RPG elements are that the main character, Lexi, a graduate of the school of snarky, self-aware heroines, can level up her stats, and items can affect certain attributes. The bulk of the combat is action-based, running around hacking at enemies, and trying to dodge their attacks. The physical combat is based off a rechargeable meter, that when filled can be used to fuel a charge attack that can do more damage to multiple enemies along with stunning them. It can also be used for a dodge move that can avoid enemy attacks and roll through magic attacks. The player lacks any kind of permanent magic, instead getting spells from containers strewn throughout the environment. The items the player equips can affect the drop rates of certain spells, but this is mostly a game about survival.

It works very well as a deconstruction of the action-RPG genre. This is an action game, and while the combat is largely simple, learning how to avoid enemies and to be patient, rather than just rushing through levels from encounter to encounter is the key. The game can be challenging, but it never feels like it’s wasting any time at all. There are no fetch quests, or grinding for money or experience (level up bonuses provide minor advantages), and even one level satirizes the whole “kill x number of enemies” and “collect y number of item z” that perpetuates through many of these RPGs. The typical Rocketcat Games elements are here as well. The 16-bit-inspired graphics are great, and the soundtrack is amazing as well. The game isn’t afraid to get silly, either; from the aforementioned fetch quest satire to pigs turning into bacon and ham when killed to even just the snarky dialogue from protagonist Lexi, this is a game that thankfully doesn’t take itself too seriously. Oh, and there are hats to wear. Lots and lots of hats.

Mage Gauntlet uses a variety of control schemes, including a unique “swipe and hold” movement scheme, but none of them ever feel completely comfortable. While I think I understand why there’s not much in the way of random items, it still just feels empty having all these destructible objects and having nothing even trivial to collect with them. The star system feels kind of abstract, as well; it’s never really clear why a certain level only merits one star and another merits two or three.

Mage Gauntlet was quite different from what I expected, which was particularly more of an “RPG” experience, but getting past that, what’s here is a game that dares to be different from its brethren on iOS. From the difficulty to the combat, to even just the way the game feels like it was yanked straight out of a SNES, there is a lot to love here.

Apps mentioned in this post: Mage Gauntlet

About: Mage Gauntlet Review is a post from 148Apps

Carter Dotson 21 Oct, 2011

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Whale Trail Review

Whale Trail Review

on October 20th, 2011
Our Rating: ★★★★½ :: WHALE OF A GAME
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad

Whale Trail is an endless runner featuring bright and colorful graphics, where players control a whale flying through the skies.


Developer: ustwo
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0.2
Device Reviewed On: iPod touch 4, iPad 1

Graphics / Sound Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Overall Rating: 4.63 out of 5 stars

Whale Trail is British studio ustwo’s first true game. This fact is impossible to decipher just from playing it, because it nails pretty much everything that iOS games need to do. Players control Willow the Whale, who is trying to escape the evil Baron Von Barry, an Eldritch Abomination with a taste for whale. However, Willow finds a rainbow to ride, which allows him to fly through the skies. Tapping and holding on the screen causes Willow to fly upward, with a continuous hold allowing Willow to loop around after gaining some height. The goal is to collect bubbles which are strewn throughout the sky, increasing the whale trail bar that fuels Willow’s flight while avoiding the dark clouds that reduce the multiplier and whale trail bar.

This endless runner game is very simple to learn; after the tutorial (which can be skipped!) and one play session, the mechanics will be understood. Visually, this game is a feast. It is extremely bright and colorful, and everything just seems like its full of character, and everything is animated and full of life.
The graphics and gameplay even have a unique interplay. The skies get darker once the whale trail bar gets low, which serves as a fantastic indicator of when danger is imminent, especially because I didn’t pay much attention to the bar. The difficulty curve has been tweaked since the hands-on preview; game sessions now wind up being slightly shorter, which is actually a good thing, as it actually encourages replayability. They feel closer to that perfect length to where games last a satisfying amount of time, but not too long to where going back doesn’t feel like an overly-long ordeal. Plus, the game is a 99-cent universal app!

It’s actually very difficult to find much to complain about with Whale Trail. The multiplier system leads to odd scoring as the bulk of scores tend to be earned when the game is easier, rather than later when the multiplier decreases as damage is taken from running into clouds. As well, running into one cloud formation, like when descending from heights, can be suddenly deadly on even a run that’s going very well.

Whale Trail is just an absolute joy. With mechanics that are nearly perfect, and a style that is difficult to out-do, this is a game that must be checked out by anyone who likes endless runner games, or anyone who just likes to feel happy while they play. This game is just fun.

Apps mentioned in this post: Whale Trail

About: Whale Trail Review is a post from 148Apps

Carter Dotson 21 Oct, 2011

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