Most anybody that’s worked in an office, or in any position that requires use of a computer that’s connected to the wonderfully distracting World Wide Web, has likely done it: slacking off from their work in favour of sending a tweet, updating their Facebook status, or perhaps, simply browsing the net to look at anything other than what they should be. It’s much more interesting, and can even feel a little daring at times — unless, of course, Mr. Boss walks by with an over the shoulder peer that ends in seeing his star employee sending a tweet that reads, “I hate work. Want to go home!”
iSlack attempts to recreate exactly what’s detailed above in the form of an iPhone game.
The game presents the player with an on-screen image of the main character sitting in front of his new iMac computer. All the while fellow employees are wandering by, but they’re not too interested in what he’s up to: as the game’s rather comical tutorial pages detail, they don’t want to be there either. Four on-screen buttons on the lower portion of the screen allow the player choose what their character is looking at on-screen at any given time — one being boring spreadsheet graph work, one is Twitter, and the other two being websites of game developers Trainyard and Kaida Games — the latter of which is responsible for the creation of iSlack itself.
The game has a highly-polished presentation, includes Game Center integration and several giggle-inducing moments. iSlack is available now in the App Store.
About: iSlack: Working Hard or Hardly Working? is a post from 148Apps
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