There’s a bizarre sense of fun in keeping track of statistics. This differs from person to person but there are a great many people whose brains just work better when dealing with facts and figures. An app like Life Stats could be just what these people need.
It’s a new app that enables users to see at a glance just how they spend their life. It calculates how much time and what percentage of a person’s life has been spent participating in various activities from sleeping to sitting to showering. The app can then organize a top 10 of most popular activities amongst their friends and post the results on their Facebook wall.
It’s an intriguing looking app that could be great fun. Underneath that frivolous exterior, Life Stats could also be a great way of reassessing one’s life. Feel like too much time is spent on Facebook or watching TV? Use the app to work out how you can adjust things to better suit one’s life.
Life Stats is a neat idea all round and it’s available now as an universal app and for the price of a few seconds time to download it.
Life Stats
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-06-16 :: Category: Lifestyle
Apps mentioned in this post: Life Stats
About: Evaluate Life With Life Stats is a post from 148Apps
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