Faqden Labs are introducing the newest app in their line of IntelliVocab apps: IntelliVocab for Business. This app, designed by MIT students, is designed to help people get acclimated to advanced vocabulary and verbiage often used in business. The app is powered by MIT’s artificial intelligence laboratory and MIT’s Web semantic labs, bringing these advanced technologies into users’ hands to help them out. The app tests users with multiple choice questions, and pronounces the words so users can get a feel for actually using them. Words will also appear in different forms, like as adjectives and adverbs, so actually learning them and how to use them properly becomes the goal instead of just rote memorization. The app also tracks stats over time, ranking users after each practice session so they can track their improvement or forbid, their decline! IntelliVocab for Business is available as a free download for the rest of June, before it goes back to its normal price of $0.99.
IntelliVocab for Business
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-06-17 :: Category: Business
Apps mentioned in this post: IntelliVocab for Business
About: IntelliVocab for Business Released for Free for the Rest of June is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/intellivocab-business-released-free-rest-june/
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