We appreciate that sometimes you might want to read about iOS news on other sites as well as this delightful place. Hopefully you look towards other O.A.T.S member sites for the information. Why do I mention this? Because fellow O.A.T.S member TouchGen has released the first full issue of their iPad magazine, TouchGen Magazine.
The magazine sets out to provide the same high quality features and reviews that the TouchGen site conventionally provides, but with a print style gaming magazine feel to it. The first issue contains a preview of Gameloft’s new crime based shooter, 9mm, the making of Order & Chaos as well as reviews of many games such as Final Fantasy III, Bumpy Road and World of Goo. There’s even a nice dose of humor with the top five feature of the best games to play while on the toilet.
Throughout the magazine, there are some great visuals and magazine style nuances and TouchGen Magazine makes for a great read that encourages users to look forward to the next issue.
TouchGen Magazine – Issue 1 is available now for iPad owners and it’s a free download.
TouchGen Magazine - Issue 1
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-06-07 :: Category: Entertainment
Apps mentioned in this post: Bumpy Road, Final Fantasy III, Order & Chaos© Online, TouchGen Magazine - Issue 1, World of Goo
About: TouchGen Releases iPad Magazine is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/touchgen-releases-ipad-magazine/
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