Weather Pro Review
By Rob Rich on June 10th, 2011Our Rating:
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
It’s more informative than the default Weather app, but Weather Pro fails to “wow” under scrutiny.
Price: $3.99
Version: 2.3.1
App Reviewed on: iPhone 3GS
iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
User Interface Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars
Overall Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars
Weather Pro is one of many, many apps iOS users can depend on to plan their activities throughout the day/week/month. Assuming those activities can be impeded by rain, snow, wind, humidity or temperature that is. As one of many cogs in the great machine that is Meteorology, it has to do a few very specific things right in order to succeed. Well it does those things and more, but unless users fall into a fairly specific demographic it’ll probably seem like “too much for too little.”
Initially it doesn’t seem all that different from the iOS standard Weather. Temperature, time, highs, lows and little graphics featuring clouds are all present, but Weather Pro also offers a few extras. Extras like the dewpoint, wind speed and direction, humidity, pressure, the all-important “feels like” temperature and handy graphs that chart out the fluctuations in each for the week. It even includes radar and satellite weather patterns for a given area. However, even with all of those goodies there’s still more. For a price.
There’s no obligation to create a Premium account and no ad-removal (because there are none to begin with), but for a nominal subscription fee users can unlock even more features. These include hourly updates as opposed to the regular three hour intervals, fourteen day forecasts instead of seven, more extensive radar options and special weather info meant specifically for skiing. All nice things to have, but as someone who doesn’t ski and can live without watching colored blobs move across a map I’m more than content with the standard version. Thankfully, as I’ve said, there’s no obligation to upgrade. It exists purely as an option for those who would get some serious mileage out of it.
Since it’s a European-centric app, Weather Pro‘s default settings use values such as km/h and Celsius. Thankfully the interface is pretty self-explanatory, so it didn’t take long before I’d adjusted things to more Americanized readings and could begin to comprehend what I was looking at. Setting the current location and marking different cities as favorites is also painless and fast, so now the next time I go visit the folks in Connecticut (or the in-folks in Michigan) I’ll know what to pack.
As great as it is to know the weather and temperature, especially what the temperature feels like since summer seems determined to destroy the human race, Weather Pro doesn’t offer anything iOS users can’t get elsewhere for less. With the exception of an entire series of weather reports based around skiing, lots of other apps do the same thing. Some of them are even free. I suppose there might be more of a draw for European users, but seeing as I don’t live in that region I don’t have a basis for comparison. All I can compare it to is the US App Store, and in the US App Store I can use a free app to give me all of this plus “right-now” weather reports and extreme weather advisories.
Weather Pro is still a very useful ad-free weather app. It hits all the right notes and is sure to please anyone who does a lot of flinging themselves down snowy cliff faces with carbon fiber sticks attached to their feet. Since we’re in the middle of a heat wave here, knowing things like humidity and perceived versus actual temperature has been a huge help. My only issue is that it has some very stiff, and cheap, competition.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $3.99
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Apps mentioned in this post: WeatherPro
About: Weather Pro Review is a post from 148Apps
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