Released today is an app that combines modern technology with some pretty dated 1980s and 1990s technology. The humble pager was crucial back in the day when important people needed contacting at a time when the mobile phone wasn’t in mainstream use. These days they’re only really used by doctors and other medical professionals, and for a very important reason. Pagers ensure that important information such as a heads up to report in quickly can be done without being blocked by SMS messages, phone calls or internet usage. OnPage, a new app for iOS devices aims to create that kind of effect without the need for a separate device.
It’s an app that, much like the pager before it, prioritizes emergency messages sent through the OnPage system, even gviing it an unique sound regardless of the current audio settings for the device (such as if it’s muted). OnPage ensures that its users can offer people a way of contacting them on their phone without actually having to give out their personal phone number, providing a great privacy feature for many.
Unlike paging devices, it’s also possible to view exactly when any page has been sent, delivered and read which is always extremely convenient for those needing to confirm such important things. Replies can also be sent. Finally, OnPage promises to be faster than the average Pager network.
Other smaller benefits also exist such as the ability to perform group broadcasting and the ever useful global coverage. It’s simple enough to set up an OnPage account and could well be a great help for those who need to be in constant contact with others while maintaining their privacy.
OnPage is a free app with a 30 day trial ensuring users have plenty of time to work out if this is the tool for them.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-04-04 :: Category: Productivity
Apps mentioned in this post: OnPage
About: The 21st Century Pager: OnPage is a post from 148Apps
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