Continuity 2: The Continuation Review
By Bobby Gooding on July 7th, 2011Our Rating:
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Rearrange the levels to ‘continue’ the platforming and reach the exit.
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.1
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 3GS
Graphics / Sound Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Overall Rating: 3.38 out of 5 stars
As the iOS continues to mature as a gaming platform, we’re slowly starting to see something that’s become a staple of the other gaming platforms becoming much more prevalent: sequels. However, here we have a sequel for which the original was never on iOS; the first Continuity was actually a web-based game. So I was keen to take a look at Continuity 2: The Continuation, which brings the same game style but remade solely for iPhones and iPads.
This game mixes puzzling with platforming gameplay styles in a totally unique way. Basic platforming tasks are carried out with some simple touch-based control methods; touching left or right halves of the screen to move in a chosen direction and swiping upwards in order to execute jumps. But where most platformers would have the screen-scrolling as the edge is approached, Continuity 2 introduces the puzzle aspect – this is where the ‘continuity’ comes into play.
Double-tapping the screen causes the camera to zoom out, revealing three tiles with different parts of the level on each. It’s then the player’s job to slide and rearrange these tiles so that the little stick-man can ‘continue’ on his journey to collect coins, grab the key and exit the level through the door. The faster it’s done and the more coins collected, the higher the score that’s achieved in the end. This starts off very simple with only maybe one or two exit/entry points on each tile, but as further levels are unlocked the tiles often present many viable arrangements and are often needed to be used several times each in order to grab everything along the way.
It’s a lot of fun while also making gamers think a whole lot about the best way to head, but the ‘against-the-clock’ nature of the game seems like a bit of a strange decision for a game that often requires a good look over in order to find the best choice to solve the task at hand. What this also means is that simply going back over a level for a second or third time will vastly improve high scores. There are two things that need to be highly complimented here, though. The level design is amazing. The broken-up nature of the separate tiles means everything has to be very well thought out, and it is. And, the music is given a touch of detail that’s usually unseen in this type of game. Drum beats fade out as the tile-view is displayed and when platforming resumes, the mellow tones are given some kick alongside a sense of urgency as the beats are reintroduced and the volume raises.
For me personally, though, there seemed to be a little something missing from Continuity 2: The Continuation. Whether it was the very basic visual style or the fact that just playing a level twice can alleviate much of the need for any real skill, something didn’t quite gel for me. Some really good factors are in there which will very much appeal to the more casual iOS gamers, but for the more competitive veterans out there, a few cracks will emerge after a short period of playtime.
Continuity 2: The Continuation
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
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