Chaotic Box’s excellent frantic grid-based arena survival game has come to the iPad, as Silverfish MAX. The game has been optimized for the iPad’s resolution; this isn’t a windowed 960×640 game like other iPhone/iPod touch ports to the iPad, Silverfish MAX uses the full screen. This also allows the detail of the graphics to shine through in a way that even the Retina Display does not allow. The additional real estate of the iPad screen means that there’s plenty of room for the swipe-based controls to work without obscuring the action at all. The d-pad based control scheme is still available as well. The game otherwise features the same content as the regular version of Silverfish, including the Haste mode added in an update, where the POW bar decreases rapidly, but Power Pods fill the bar up instantly. However, the most notable feature in Silverfish MAX is support for iCade controls. Game Center leaderboards and achievements are included, of course. Silverfish MAX is available now from the App Store.
Silverfish MAX
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
Buy Now: $2.99
Released: 2011-07-28 :: Category: Games
About: Silverfish MAX Released for iPad with iCade Support is a post from 148Apps
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