Skill Game Review
By Monica Stevens on July 26th, 2011Our Rating:
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Do you have serious skills?
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.5
Device Reviewed On: iPhone
Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
This time of year gives me a thrill; the type that renders implicit memories of the smell of new text books, the feel of freshly churned pencil shavings between my fingers, and industrial chemicals faintly tinged with fake orange scent for the sole purpose of snuffing out vomit. It’s been nearly 10 years since I went to graduate school. Still, when I walk down the aisles of big box stores filled with rows of cuddly kitten notebooks and an array of superhero backpacks, I can’t help myself from filling my cart with crisp, lined notecards, expanded boxes of sharp crayons, and cheery-bright folders in a rainbow of options ripe for the nabbing.
Take then my opportunity to try out Skill Game developed by Good Apps UG. As I began, the visuals brought back days of crossfired spitball shooting and rubber band popping. I landed on a crumpled piece of paper that directed me to "connect the numbers without touching the lines." This was easy at first, but it became more difficult, frustrating, and the need to satisfy my obsessions led to compulsive and zealous attempts at mastery. The game is adaptive, a feature that is smart and sensitive to the player's abilities and personal skill sets. Pulling my fingers across the screen led to inevitable intersection of lines, which sprang back like rubber bands complete with an onomatopoeiac "pop."
A new variety of papers complicated my efforts as I completed remaining levels, including "Mania" mode, which is random and requires faster action and less strategizing And then, oh yes, I discovered the Magic Pen!! The Magic Pen allowed me one opportunity per level to cross through a line previously drawn. A magnifying glass permitted me to observe my finger as it navigated numbers. Skill Game became nearly impossible as "one way streets" were introduced. Drawing lines outright restricted the bendy blue lines from thwacking back.
My Magic Pen ran out of ink, and it didn't take much time. As with many games, Skill Game provides "endless play" via endless mathematical possibilities and, naturally, an endless bank account. I enjoyed the concept, design, easy instructions and pop-ups, and the sound of clapping hands and shouts earned when I reached a new variant of paper and fresh blue ink. I only wish that I didn’t have to shell out $0.99 every time I wished to refill The Magic Pen.
Skill Game is a must-try for those who are up for a challenge to solve puzzles that are fun and non-intimidating. I'm still excited about school. I will definitely take myself back-to-school shopping and load up on armfuls of trinkets and supplies I will likely never use. I'll even treat myself to a pair of new school shoes just because I can.
Skill Game
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $2.99
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