Slate is a great website to read, offering analysis and commentary on all sorts of issues from politics, news and modern culture. It’s an entertaining site indeed and one I try to check in with every now and then. It seems that doing this has been made even simpler courtesy of the latest update of its free app.
The app has had a completely redesigned layout that showcases what’s new across the magazine at a glance. Everything has been made much simpler to browse throughout. There’s now the ability to view Slate’s collection of photo slideshows and access to the relaunched news blog, The Slatest, that promises regular story updates throughout the day. It’s also now possible to listen to Slate’s podcasts including the Political Gabfest, Culture Gabfest and Hang Up and Listen.
Extra content is provided through the daily videos that can also be watched through the app including the Trending News Channel.
The updated Slate app is an ideal way of keeping up to date with the website’s happenings throughout the day with a great new interface. It’s out now and it’s a free download.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2010-02-26 :: Category: News
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About: Slate Gains A Complete App Overhaul is a post from 148Apps
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