Taekwondo, like all the martial arts of the world, is as much about its heritage and culture as it is about learning self defense and enjoying as a form of exercise or sport. As the national sport of South Korea, there’s much to learn about the traditions of this ancient art. Fortunately, there’s an app to aid in learning that knowledge courtesy of What Design Studio.
TKD Notes, available in both iPhone and iPad varieties, covers all of the fundamental Taekwondo techniques. There’s a concise explanation of how to carry out each movement as well as interactive photos that help users visualise each phase of the movement. Eight videos focused on poomsaes also help beginners and more experienced students learn their way around the subject. Information about the history and vocabulary is available along with a belt test section.
It’s all done through an attractive and traditional appearance to add to the whole experience. Hopefully TKD Notes will be an ideal way to understand the theory behind this noble martial art.
It’s out now, priced at $4.99.
TKD Notes English
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $4.99
Released: 2011-06-16 :: Category: Sports
TKD Notes HD English
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
Buy Now: $4.99
Released: 2011-06-17 :: Category: Sports
Apps mentioned in this post: TKD Notes English, TKD Notes HD English
About: Detailed Taekwondo Knowledge From TKD Notes is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/detailed-taekwondo-knowledge-tkd-notes/
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