Bouncy Mouse is a physics game where players fling a mouse — which is actually much more like a rubber ball than a rodent — around obstacles and through traps collecting bits of cheese on the way. All of the mouse’s cheese has been stolen by a dastardly cat and the mouse needs to get all his cheese back so he and his friends can enjoy it together.
The slingshot-like pull and release mechanics of the game are very similar to those found in other physics based flinging games like Angry Birds. The difference here is that players aren’t trying to knock anything down or destroy any structures, they are just trying to traverse an environment while avoiding obstacles and collecting cheese. The goal is to bounce the mouse off of the cat in each level and retrieve the cat’s stolen cheese.
To traverse each level the mouse is flung from one anchor point or peg to the next. When the mouse gets close enough to an anchor point he will latch on with what might be his super elastic tail and players can then pull him back and release him in any direction to get to the next peg. Progressing from peg to peg and bouncing the mouse off of different parts of the environment will get him to the cat, and finally to his cheese. More points and unlocks like costumes and visual effects can also unlocked by collecting all the cheese in a level.
Bouncy Mouse
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-08-05 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: Angry Birds, Bouncy Mouse
About: Help This Bouncy Mouse Find His Cheese is a post from 148Apps
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