I’ve got a memory like a sieve. Just ask anyone who knows me. I forget literally everything of any use unless it’s written down. Sometimes not even then. Kooaba Deja Vu won’t instantly make my memory amazing but it will give me a way of keeping track of things.
Deja Vu allows users to snap pictures in order to remember things as a form of visual memo. While this could easily be done simply with the photo album function, the real beauty is in the way that Deja Vu allows users to categorize and label memos for easy consultation. Tagging and geotagging means that it’s easy to check back on what’s been recorded.
All the information is automatically synced in the cloud meaning that notes are always easy to consult again.
The app can be used for pretty much anything from seemingly obvious things such as a reminder to wash the car or phone someone, or for present ideas.
Kooaba Deja Vu is out now and it’s a free app with up to 30 visual memos per month bundled in. For unlimited usage, users can choose to pay $19.99 per year.
kooaba Déjà Vu
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-08-11 :: Category: Photography
Apps mentioned in this post: kooaba Déjà Vu
About: Visual Memos From Deja Vu is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/visual-memos-deja-vu/
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