I’m as agreeable to the concept of breaking blocks with a ball bounced off of a paddle as the next person, but unless it’s a “classic” or does something “different” I’m generally not going to get excited about it. That said, I think it’s safe to assume that ArkanoArena is “different” enough to pique my interest. In fact, it’s a bit more than piqued at this point.
On a basic level, it’s the same as any other paddle and brick kind of game: bounce a ball around, destroy the blocks, don’t let the ball get past the paddle. It’s the finer details that really set ArkanoArena apart. Details like using a steampunk vehicle situated on rails rather than a floating paddle and upgradable weapons and equipment. I’ll admit, it’s technically not “new” because iPad users have been able to enjoy this title for some time now, but it’s new to those of us who don’t own the Apple tablet. Regardless, it looks like something worth checking out.
ArkanoArena is available for both iPhones and iPod Touches, with 3GS and up (or equivalent) hardware, right now for $1.99. Arkanoid lovers: check this one out.
ArkanoArena for iPhone
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-08-25 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: ArkanoArena for iPhone
About: ArkanoArena: It’s Not Just for the iPad Anymore is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/arkanoarena-ipad-anymore/
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