Chomp, the leading app search company, has totally redone their iOS application making it quicker to search and easier to discover new apps.
The real story with this update, though, is the new discoverability features. Chomp goes beyond an app search app to provide the user with some great features to help find new apps either in pre-defined ranking groups or via groups based on an app category. Chomp powers our app search here are 148Apps. They also happen to have one great iOS app to search for and discover new apps. This 3.0 update brings some great app categorization beyond what the App Store does. These categories can help users find some great new apps.
The search box has been updated to provide live search. Just start typing and it will quickly suggest apps and app categories for the search. In addition, there are some new top level features to find the most popular apps, newest apps and all of the newly free apps. This feature is one of my favorites. With so many daily free app sites, this feature will give us all one single place to go to to get all those free apps, all in one place.
Check out the Chomp app and let us know what you think.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
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Apps mentioned in this post: Chomp
About: Chomp App Search App Updated, Adds Great App Discoverability Features is a post from 148Apps
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