Sometimes it’s not always convenient to provide a real mobile phone number to someone. Say I’m going out on a first date with someone. What if it goes so badly that I want nothing to do with them ever again? I don’t mean in a cruel way but what if the date is a little creepy and clingy? It’d be a little unnerving to know that they can always get in touch and potentially pester me via SMS or phone call. A similar problem can occur when providing phone numbers to eBay sellers or buyers or people on Craigslist. Sometimes it’s just not convenient to provide a regular phone number. This is where RingShuffle can help.
It’s an app that provides temporary phone numbers that redirect to any mobile number. It’s then easy to delete this temporary number or ‘shuffle’ along to get a new one. Launched in beta this week to the first 10,000 users who register, there’s a lot of potential here.
Each RingShuffle number lasts for seven days with the option to manually extend this to 14 days. Calls are forwarded without the caller knowing what’s gone, thus narrowing the odds of causing offense. It’s an app that’s tailored to those looking for a short term solution for brief uses just like the first date or online transaction.
As the video below shows, RingShuffle is very easy to use with it taking mere seconds to register and choose a number. Area codes can be selected before a choice of Shuffle numbers appear for selection. Then all the user has to do is hand it out to the relevant person and no one need know that it’s not a permanent number.
For short term transactions, RingShuffle is an ideal app to sign up for in order to protect the user’s privacy.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-09-09 :: Category: Utilities
Apps mentioned in this post: RingShuffle
About: Create A Temporary Mobile Number Within Seconds With RingShuffle is a post from 148Apps
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