Know those corny signs that are up in just about any tourist-heavy area which show people which direction and how far another tourist-heavy attraction/city/state is? Something like an arrow sticking out of the ground in Maine, pointing West and proudly displaying “Hollywood: ‘X’ miles.” Well Direction Known does something similar, only with customizable lists of things to point at and a readout that updates and syncs in real-time as the user moves around.
As someone living in a major metropolitan center, I can’t exactly walk a straight line to wherever it is I need to go. However, anyone who’s ever tried navigating anywhere on foot ever knows that even having a general idea of where their destination is can be a huge help. Of course, there’s also the option to use the device’s built-in GPS to check the map.
Direction Known does have plenty of practical uses, including finding a friend at the park, trying to figure out which direction to start walking in after getting off the subway or finding one’s way out of the wilderness (if there’s a signal). It also has some non-practical uses, like showing the kids how much farther until they reach grandma and grandpa’s house or letting said grandparents watch their family getting closer. It can also be used for purely nostalgic purposes, such as having an arrow that always points to one’s childhood home. Locations can be saved in separate groups, keeping things from getting too cluttered and giving users more control over what they’re trying to find.
Upon first glance, Direction Known might look like nothing more than a colorful compass, but it can be much more than that. It can be incredibly helpful in the right situation, and it can illicit a nostalgic smile in others. Ultimately it’s up to the individual user to decide. Regardless of how it’s used, it’s available in the App Store right now.
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-01-31 :: Category: Navigation
Apps mentioned in this post: DIRECTION KNOWN - The COMPASS App that Maps YOUR WORLD
About: Direction Known: A Different Kind of GPS App is a post from 148Apps
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