Thanks to the internet, everything is very public nowadays. Privacy to an extent is dead for anyone who uses one of countless social networks. Tweet regularly and your life is out there. Even have a Facebook account that’s heavily restricted and there’s still the chance of it all coming out. Throw in a plethora of location aware social networks such as Foursquare and any random member of the public can have their life opened up as much as a major celebrity.
Not everyone wants that though. Sure it’s nice to be able to have a corner of the web to share with close friends, family or work colleagues but how to make sure that only the selected people can see anything? How about an app like Glassboard?
It’s an app that allows users to share things privately with groups of people, or boards as the app prefers to call them. Users can message a group of people quickly and easily in a format that looks like an SMS text message but it isn’t. Text isn’t the only restriction either with the ability to share photos and videos amongst this elite group. Even locations can be shared, potentially making it useful to arrange family gatherings. Suddenly, everyone can keep track of how far away people are from the meeting place. A notification system keeps everyone up to date on any situation whether it be a team meeting, social gathering or simply a work issue being discussed.
Security is tight here with only the board chairman or group leader able to invite people to the group. Users can’t even search for different boards ensuring there’s absolutely no chance of anyone stumbling across anything.
For the privacy conscious user, Glassboard is the ideal solution ensuring that they get a taste of social networking without the potential security issues.
Glassboard is out now and it’s free to download.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-08-17 :: Category: Social Networking
Apps mentioned in this post: Glassboard
About: Glassboard Offers Privacy Conscious Social Networking is a post from 148Apps
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