Gamers on the iOS platform have seen their share of tower and castle defense games of late, but Clueless Ideas wants them to try just one more – Magic Defenders.
Set in a fantasy realm with hand-drawn art, Magic Defenders features fluid character animations, unique spell animations, three different game modes, leveling up elements, acheivements, Open Feint integration, and a plan to continually add new heroes as time goes on. The story is simple: the Orcs have overtaken the village the hero lives in, and are on their way to the castle. Only the Hero can stop them with his unique abilities and powers.
The video alone is worth a look:
Magic Defenders
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $1.99
Released: 2011-08-17 :: Category: Games
Still not sure this is their thing, skeptical and money conscious gamers can try their hand at a Lite version of Magic Defenders, for the amazing low price of free. The Lite version has ten waves of Orcs to defeat with one hero and one map – sure enough to give anyone a good sense of whether the game is interesting enough to drop $2 on, right?
Magic Defenders Lite
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-08-29 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: Magic Defenders, Magic Defenders Lite
About: Magic Defenders – Castle Defense on That Magical iOS Device is a post from 148Apps
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