Yardsellr has been quite a success story in recent times. Originally set up by three former eBay executives, Daniel Leffel, Jed Clevenger and Rachel Makool, it’s essentially eBay for Facebook.
Unlike the popular auction site, there are no auctions to be seen here. Instead sellers list items at fixed prices in different categories or ‘blocks’ as the site likes to call it. It’s an idea that has proven popular thanks to its Facebook connections making it especially useful for the female demographic that are typically most likely to use the social network. Unlike eBay the fees system also works differently with buyers being charged around ten percent rather than the seller, no doubt proving beneficial to many.
Making Yardsellr a kind of online neighborhood to buy and sell items is a neat touch so it’s good to see it spread to the App Store courtesy of the official Yardsellr app.
The app does nearly exactly what any Yardsellr user could want. Currently there’s only buying functionality but selling abilities are set to be added in an upcoming update.
For newcomers to the Yardsellr world, it’s refreshing to see rather than the impersonal side of selling that eBay offers, Yardsellr has much more of a community spirit with sellers seeming impassioned by the items they’re trying to find a new home for. There’s also a prevalence of items that will be of great interest to users of selling communities like Etsy with some fantastic hand created bits and pieces being sold alongside more commercially available goods.
Much like the website, it’s important to note that Yardsellr is only open to users within the United States. People from other nations had best hope that in the future Yardsellr will be extended further afield. It’s great to see something a bit different from the eBay norm flourish so well.
The app is available now for free.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-08-10 :: Category: Entertainment
Apps mentioned in this post: Yardsellr
About: Sell Goods With Socially Minded Marketplace Yardsellr is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/sell-goods-socially-minded-marketplace-yardsellr/
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