Keeping track of health data and checkup information for all the family can be pretty tedious. After all, who wants to focus on their ailments all the time? Potentially knowing that knowledge or, more importantly, having that information on hand at all times, could save the life of a much loved family member. As an example, I’m allergic to paracetomol so what happens if I fall unconcious and wind up in hospital in need of painkillers urgently? An app like medAssist will ensure that such allergy information is readily available for any medical professional.
The app offers a place to store simple information such as date of birth as well as more complex and involved knowledge such as allergies, family disease history, blood group, even when the user had surgery or an X-Ray last. Chronic ailments such as joint problems or disease can be stored along with contact details for the family doctor making it easy to check in.
medAssist is one of few apps that could genuinely save lives. At $3.99 that’s a small price to pay.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $3.99
Released: 2011-09-06 :: Category: Medical
Apps mentioned in this post: medAssist
About: Store Medical Information Easily – and Save Lives – With MedAssist is a post from 148Apps
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