Need a royalty free stock video clip fast? Willing to pay a small in-app purchase price for it? Then ViDEO CLiPS is the ideal app for such a purpose!
Offering over 1000 video clips, ViDEO CLiPS is a comprehensive library of clips covering all manners of different subjects. Users can quickly purchase a clip via an in-app purchase, thus saving the need to enter credit card details. The video segment is then downloaded to the iPad device ready formatted for using in iMovie. Editing clips can be done within seconds of purchasing it.
The app works two ways – offering users a chance to download such clips but also enabling others to upload their own clips to be purchased by others. All work is converted automatically by the app so all potential contributors need to do is just shoot and upload. Hopefully it’s then just a matter of time till money comes in.
ViDEO CLiPS sounds like a very useful idea to me. It’s out now for the iPad and it’s free to download.
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-09-16 :: Category: Photography
Apps mentioned in this post: ViDEO CLiPS
About: Video Licensing Just Got Much Easier Through ViDEO CLiPS is a post from 148Apps
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