Everybody’s favorite iOS game, Angry Birds has taken note that it’s Halloween (or Ham’O'Ween as they like to call it) this coming Monday and in honor of such a great ocassion, Angry Birds Seasons has been updated to include 30 new levels, a bunch of new achievements and an all new orange bird! Very exciting stuff indeed.
The new levels need no introduction really. We all know and love the tried and tested formula of what to expect from the game. This time round, they’re Halloween themed with pumpkin patches, creepy skeletons and jack-o-lanterns out to heighten the mood. How about the new bird though? Well, he’s orange and unfortunately he doesn’t appear to have a name. Poor little bird. However, he does have the ability to blow up to several times his original size. That has to be useful for something.
Rovio has decided to introduce the cute yet dangerous bird via a really quite funny cartoon. Check it out below while downloading the update that’s available now.
Angry Birds Seasons
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2010-10-21 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: Angry Birds, Angry Birds Seasons
About: Ham’O'Ween Celebrated By Angry Birds Seasons is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/hamoween-celebrated-angry-birds-seasons/
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