It is that magical time of the year where the leaves are changing colors, children have returned to school, and football season has kicked into full swing. The magical reappearance of the pigskin also brings about massive amounts of time spent in front of the television screen, most likely being paired with yelling and an adult beverage or two.
But what if you could interact with the game happening on screen, instead of just having to just observe like a bump on a log? No, this isn’t talking about coaching the team on the field as much as being able to read a coach’s mind. The new app PrePlay encourages you to do just that, and rewards those that are masters of the precognition.
Competing against friends, the game will completely change the way football is consumed any given Sunday. There is even a way to smack talk, which will certainly kick the intensity up into another gear. Give this a look before the season fades away!
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2010-09-23 :: Category: Sports
Apps mentioned in this post: PrePlay
About: PrePlay Brings New Meaning To Armchair Quarterbacking is a post from 148Apps
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