With a huge amount of news to take in on a daily basis, it can get pretty overwhelming to keep track of everything. This is precisely where news aggregation systems such as Evri help immensely.
Previously solely a website, Evri is now bundled as an iPad app offering personalized news reading services for anyone interested at the grand price of nothing. Offering a different approach to many other services, Evri tackles things via the topics offered. When an user identifies a topic they’re interested in, Evri scours 15,000 web sources, including social networks, in order to deliver interesting stories connected to the topic.
This approach makes for a fascinating exploration of all kinds of interesting subjects. Topics can be extremely varied, from the latest political goings on in congress to the latest celebrity gossip or movie news. One section might offer stories on the battle for gay rights, while another might explain the latest football scores. Ultimately, it’s down to the user to make Evri their ideal news app.
There’s plenty of functionality ensuring that users can inform the app of their favorite channels for easy consultation. Integration within Facebook and Twitter adds a further personalized twist to matters. Collecting up all the links that Facebook and Twitter friends are talking about, it’s an ideal way of diving into what the user’s friends are talking about at any one time without having to rely on scouring the timeline feed to see what stories have been linked to.
Throughout, the information is provided in an interesting manner. Looking a little like a pinboard, photos and a caption are offered on each of the main stories with a quick swipe moving users onto another screen if nothing takes their interest initially. Once a story is selected, related topics and featured articles connected provide further context.
All this put together makes for an enticing proposition for news fans making Evri an ideal app to give a shot.
Evri for iPad
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-09-26 :: Category: News
Apps mentioned in this post: Evri for iPad
About: Topic Based Newsreading From Evri is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/topic-based-newsreading-evri/
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