Simogo have been known for their visually stunning iOS games Kosmo Spin and Bumpy Road, and have revealed their 3rd title, Beat Sneak Bandit. Players must tap along to the beat in order to move the eponymous Beat Sneak Bandit through the level. However, he must try to avoid the eyes of security guards and spotlights, to continue his mission of recovering the world’s clocks which have been stolen by the evil Baron von Clockface, because there’s no such thing as a good baron. Even the Bike Baron from Bike Baron seemed kinda sketchy. There are 40 levels, each with optionally collectible clocks to add challenge. The trailer shows off more of Simogo’s trademark stylish artwork that will go into Beat Sneak Bandit. As well, they have announced the game is coming in “way early 2012.” This means that we could be sneaking around to the rhythm of the beat on our iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches right as we recover from our New Year’s hangovers.
About: Beat Sneak Bandit is Simogo’s Latest, Sneaking on to iOS Early Next Year is a post from 148Apps
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