Ah, mid-November. The time of year when everyone starts buzzing about gift exchanges, menorahs, fat guys in red suits and all manner of “tidings.” Yessir, nothing like getting the holiday into full-swing before December. Suffice it to say, I’m personally not very thrilled with the practice of jumping the gun. But just because I’m morally opposed to shoving holiday cheer down the throats of the masses well over five weeks too early doesn’t mean I’m against general preparations. And what better way to prepare for the inevitable and lengthy trip to a distant relative’s house for a seasonal meal then to have an assortment of topical audiobooks on-hand?
Tales2Go is a fairly popular subscription-based (1,600+ books and counting) kids audiobook app in its own right, but Tales2Go – Happy Holidays is something a little different. This is a stand-alone app, with no subscription fee needed to access the 20 different stories contained within. These include The Night Before Christmas, A Christmas Carol, The Gift of the Magi (read by Jim Weiss), The Story of Hanukkah (read by Joel Ben Izzy) and many, many more.
Tales2Go – Happy Hoidays is already available, and all of these audiobooks can be had for a total of $0.99. That’s one dollar for 20 audiobooks. It might seem a tad too soon for this kind of stuff, but it couldn’t hurt to be ready once it’s time to jump in the car and drive 14 hours to grandma’s house.
Tales2Go - Happy Holidays
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-11-17 :: Category: Education
Apps mentioned in this post: Tales2Go - Happy Holidays
About: Get into the Spirit Hands (and Eyes) Free with Tales2Go – Happy Holidays is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/spirit-hands-eyes-free-tales2go-happy-holidays/
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