Perfect Pitch Piano teaches something that I’ve been trying to learn for years: to play the piano by ear. There’s a corny joke in there. Musicians still need their hands to play the instrument, not their ears, but Perfect Pitch Piano does go some way to teaching those interested to play a tune.
Basically, Perfect Pitch Piano plays a melody and then leaves the user to play it back. It’s a subtle teaching tool but one that should work well with practice. In its endeavours, Perfect Pitch Piano teaches users to learn all the fundamental building blocks of music playing such as intervals and timings.
Classic songs can be learnt through the app such as Amazing Grace, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Mary Had a Little Lamb, ideal starting places for beginners.
Those a little more experienced aren’t left out, however, as they can adjust the key and tempo to make things more challenging.
On sale at $1.99, Perfect Pitch Piano is bound to be an ideal tool for those learning to play the piano.
Perfect Pitch Piano
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $1.99
Released: 2011-09-16 :: Category: Music
Apps mentioned in this post: Perfect Pitch Piano
About: Learn Music By Ear With Perfect Pitch Piano is a post from 148Apps
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