Apps that are created to advertise other forms of media have been done before. Whether it be a film tie in game or a clever augmented reality app, they’re out there. A game for iOS to advertise another game, this time for consoles, is an interesting twist, however. The game in question is ProtoSlice, a title set to excite fans of Prototype, an open world sandbox adventure for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
ProtoSlice looks nothing like Prototype admittedly but it’s there to advertise the release of Prototype 2, arriving next April. Unlike the console game, ProtoSlice is a puzzle game in which players must clear away layers of Prototype-blades in order to avoid getting their fingers sliced. Yup, it’s as quirky as it sounds. In between levels come some sneak peek screenshots of Prototype 2.
It’s an enjoyable distraction and the screenshots make it all the better. There’s even a Prototype 2 trailer to view!
For the Prototype fan, this is very much worth a look. Even better, it’s free to download now.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-10-28 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: ProtoSlice
About: Prototype Finger Slices With ProtoSlice is a post from 148Apps
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