Lacking in musical talent? I know the feeling well. I’m what many people would call musically challenged despite desperately wishing I was able to create musical splendours. I’m going to have to settle for just writing words but at least Tones will give me a way of pretending I can create such works of art.
Tones is easy enough to use that even children should be able to figure it out. The user is presented with a grid of sound pads that can be activated by tapping on them. Each provides a way of producing sound through a selection of different musical instruments. Tempo can be adjusted to further change things up and a series of waves, cycles of sound, can be produced, too.
Placed together, Tones creates an unique form of music in a fun and fascinating way. There’s no way of recording just yet but it makes for an ideal, disposable form of creative expression. Just the kind of fun to have with young members of the family who love to see instant results.
Tones is out now priced at $0.99.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-08-24 :: Category: Music
Apps mentioned in this post: Tones
About: Simple Musical Creation Thanks to Tones is a post from 148Apps
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