| Fan Pics of Robert Pattinson on the Set of Cosmopolis Today in Toronto - May 29 |
Here are some fan pics taken by Mr. Will-W of Robert Pattinson on the set of Cosmopolis today in Toronto.
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Fans who lined-up early, were kept at a distance from their hopes of meeting the Twilight Saga Hunk. Handlers told them, "We won't be bringing him over there!", managing expectations accordingly. This didn't prevent the determined from trying though as onlookers got a generously helping of Pattinson as he went in and out of his Trailer onto the Set just one block over.
An attention-shy Pattinson had his Lunch delivered to him in his deluxe Trailer from Craft Services and was seen with a bottle of Nestea Iced Green Tea in his hand walking into his Make-up Trailer for a touch-up. Noticing Paparazzi and Fans trying to snap away, he at one point tried hiding behind his Handler, before toughening-up and braving the Cameras. One Paparazzi got in a little too close and was warned, "You better stay back or I'm gonna make sure everyone else gets their Photos except you!". Ouch.
Wrapping around 5:00 PM, Fans received a friendly wave from Pattinson before he headed off for the day.
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More pics after the jump!
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Admin 30 May, 2011--
Source: http://www.twegty.com/2011/05/new-post-fan-pics-of-robert-pattinson.html
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