Ever wonder how to break the ice with people nearby? Why not use an app like Yakaround?
Yakaround is a chat room app with one crucial difference to many others – it enables people to chat to others nearby to them. Proximity plays a big part in Yakaround enabling people to get to know each other through the app rather than having to approach random strangers. It might sound a little unusual. However in a world where people are increasingly compartmentalized and find it difficult to get to know new people, Yakaround could be a great way of learning something about others in a non threatening environment.
Users can also use Yakaround to learn what’s going on around them potentially making it a great app to find out about events going on in the local area.
Separate chatrooms have been set up to cover people wanting to talk about places, events or subjects meaning users should be guaranteed to find someone to chat to especially in areas with high concentrations of people.
Currently Yakaround is only available in the US with plans to spread to other English-speaking countries soon.
It’s a free download for all iOS devices.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-06-16 :: Category: Social Networking
Apps mentioned in this post: Yakaround
About: Socialize With Locals Via Yakaround is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/socialize-locals-yakaround/
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