Speed is everything in this rapidly moving world. Social networking demonstrates that ably. Providing brief but concise information is just as important but it’s not always easy to sum something up while keeping all the pertinent information in there. Enter Trimit which hopes to rectify that problem.
It’s the first of its kind – an app that automatically summarizes and condenses information. It does so by using an incredibly complicated and impressive algorithm to ‘trim’ text to any specified length. All the relevant information is in there, it’s just taken out all the fluff.
The app allows for users to set filters, add acronyms, abbreviations or shorten URLs. Even the ability to remove vowels is in there if the user so wishes, although the one-time English student in me isn’t so sure about that!
Text can be simply imported from any URL and the results then shared via email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, printed or saved as a txt file for future reference.
It’s impressive stuff indeed.
Check out the video that demonstrates Trimit in action.
It’s available now priced at $0.99 for a limited time only, with a regular price of $4.99 in the future.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-07-06 :: Category: Utilities
Apps mentioned in this post: trimit
About: Condense Text Based Information With Trimit is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/condense-text-based-information-trimit/
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