Keeping track of weight loss and gain is frequently very important to many people. WeightMeter enables exactly that in a simple, no frills way. That doesn’t mean it’s lacking features, it’s just that it sticks to the exact options needed rather than throwing in useless gimmicks to bloat the app out.
At its most basic, users simply need to enter what their goal is, whether it be losing or gaining weight, and then start filling in the weight changes on a daily basis. Users can even set a reminder so that they don’t forget to do so.
Morning and evening weight records can be kept to ensure that even the slightest change in weight is noticed. All this information is stored in a chart form so it’s easy to see how progress is going, right down to the ability to check weekly, monthly and yearly fluctuation. Confident users can also take photos to show the difference and check via the photo gallery how they’re doing. Social networking functionality is also available to share how the weight change is going amongst friends. Everything is portrayed through a simple yet attractive interface that incorporates HD graphics for an extra sheen.
WeightMeter isn’t an obvious motivational tool. There’s no motivational pep talk nonsense or anything like that. Instead it taps into the most important thing – the user feeling good about themselves and their weight change. Just looking at that graph going in the right direction is a great confident booster and bound to encourage further efforts.
Whether it’s for someone trying to lose weight to fit back into their favorite clothes, or it’s a bodybuilder or weedy teenager trying to bulk up, WeightMeter is a great way of keeping track of things.
WeightMeter is available now for $0.99. Surely a bargain when it comes to keeping an eye on good health.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-06-17 :: Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Apps mentioned in this post: WeightMeter
About: WeightMeter Makes Keeping Track Of Weight Easy is a post from 148Apps
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