Anyone who is a fan of instant messaging on the go from their iOS device of choice is most likely familiar with the SHAPE Services development team and their tool IM+. What their original application did to help revolutionize the way that we chat on the road, their new app Checkin+ hopes to do for the worlds of FourSquare and Facebook.
While I was never one for alerting the entire world of my whereabouts at any given second in time, there has been a budding industry around the social networking concept of “checking in.” The problem was that Foursquare’s existing iOS application has left so much to be desired in the areas of personal mapping. This is where Checkin+ comes into play.
Combining the social networking world with augmented reality applications, though odd when described simply in words, actually makes for an interesting concept. Check out the trailer below and see if you feel the same way!
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-07-11 :: Category: Social Networking
CheckIn Pro
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-07-11 :: Category: Social Networking
Apps mentioned in this post: CheckIn Pro, CheckIn+, Facebook, foursquare, IM+
About: Creators of IM+ Take Checking In To The Next Level is a post from 148Apps
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