While futuristic technology is amazing, sometimes it’s nice to retreat back to a simpler time. A time where writing in notebooks was the big trend for expressing creativity. A time when it was possible to run out of space on a page rather than a document simply carrying users onto the next one automatically. Fancy relieving that? Try Molenotes.
It’s an attractive looking app that ensures the user feels as if they’re writing on a real page in a real book. Users can choose to express themselves in handwriting, academic type-set or in a typewriter style manner. Five notebook looks are also available. Users can also add custom colored tabs and titles as well as manually stamping the current day’s date. Users can even add a bookmark to their notebook to know exactly where they last looked.
Limitations are there of course. Once a page is full, users must enter more information on the next page. There’s a 32 page limit too. That’s all part of the old fashioned charm, however.
Molenotes is out now for all iOS devices and is priced at $0.99.
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-07-10 :: Category: Productivity
Apps mentioned in this post: Molenotes
About: Retro Writing With Molenotes is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/retro-writing-molenotes/
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