My love of movie trivia has been well documented before. Indeed Scene It? Movies 2 and MovieCat! still hold very important places on both my iPhone and iPad. So the prospect of daily and up to the minute trivia quizzes is pretty thrilling indeed.
That’s exactly what Scene It? Daily sets out to do. It’s a new trivia app that offers quizzes across four different categories: Movies, TV, Music and Celebrity, and promises to keep everything as up to date as possible. Right down to possibly asking questions about something that might have happened the night before!
Players from across the world can compete head to head for bragging rights and players who answer enough questions in a row gain a streak multiplier that boosts scores even further. There’s even three different power-ups to use.
Scene It? Daily is available on Facebook and on its own site but of course there’s an iPhone app for it which is out now for the grand price of nothing.
Scene It? Daily
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-07-13 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: Scene It? Daily
About: Up To Date Pop Culture Quizzes With Scene It? Daily is a post from 148Apps
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