This fall, Douglas Adams nerds will have the granddaddy of all iOS apps to show off to their friends. Whether they actually care or not. Hothead Games, in a somewhat obvious attempt to prove that the entire planet owes them a drink, is making a “real” Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy for the iPhone and iPad. I’m not talking about an e-book or movie companion or any of that mundane stuff, but a fully realized and interactive rendition of the iconic inter-stellar travel guide.
It’s hard to come up with words to say about this news when my brain keeps going “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!”
Pushing on, there’s no definitive release date yet aside from “fall,” but it should be out this year which is enough to make any Guide fan happy I’d think. Judging by the screen shots, it looks like a kind of mash-up of of the original concept from Adams’ books and the slightly “modernized” one found in the 2005 film. As for the actual content, Hothead Producer Joel DeYoung had this to say:
We really focused on taking existing Guide entries and presenting them in a new, interactive way… We have so much respect for the original that we had to stay true to the style of Douglas Adams, and deliver an app that feels familiar to fans, but updated for today's devices.
Sure it won’t amount to much more than a fancy iOS toy, but oh what a toy! My inner (and outer) nerd can’t wait to start flipping through entries, reading up on Babel Fish, towels and everything else I’m probably only interested in right now due to nostalgia. “Fall” can’t get here soon enough, as far as I’m concerned.
About: Be Ready for Anything (ANYTHING) With The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a post from 148Apps
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