Gravity Chain is indeed a game with an accurate title – there is gravity, and there is a chain. The player’s goal is to get a star (not mentioned in the title) from its starting point to the goal point, by way of a chain. The player doesn’t have much direct control over anything – the chain has its own physics, there are spikes lining the walls of some levels, and enemies that want to taste some of that sweet, sweet, chain. What does the player control? Well, they control the length of the chain, and oh, just gravity itself. By rotating the device around, gravity will turn with the device, though much like the enemy’s gate, it’s always down. There are 40 levels that the player must navigate the chain and star through, with better rankings available for faster completion. There are also bombs and additional latch points for the chain that can be detached and launched across the levels. Gravity Chain features 40 levels, and is available now for $0.99.
Gravity Chain
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-07-11 :: Category: Games
About: Gravity Chain: Taste the Chain! Also, Gravity. is a post from 148Apps
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