iBlast Moki 2 HD Review
By Carter Dotson on August 18th, 2011Our Rating:
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
iBlast Moki 2 is a timing-based physics puzzler where players use bombs and other items to get all the Mokis into the portal in each level.
Price: $2.99
Version Reviewed: 1.0
Device Reviewed On: iPad 1, iPod touch 4
Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Overall Rating: 4.38 out of 5 stars
iBlast Moki 2 is the physics puzzler grown up. Unlike other physics puzzlers that just require objects and/or trucks to be launched at structures, iBlast Moki 2 requires a bit more thought. The goal of each level is to get all the Mokis, who sometimes wear silly little hats for maximum adorableness, into the big portal at the end of each level. How is this accomplished? By using bombs, of course! But not just plain old bombs, of course; there are also bombs for speeding up the Mokis on the ground, making the ground bouncy, and even glue for sticking objects together. There’s also objects like balloons, ropes, and steel girders for connecting objects together and building structures for the Mokis and other obstacles in the levels to navigate through. Timing also becomes a key, as some levels are set up to have objects in the environment fall at certain times, or to require a certain bomb to be used at a certain time; thankfully, each bomb has a delay timer that can be set up to go off after a certain time.
What makes iBlast Moki 2 more substantial than other physics puzzlers is just the amount of strategy and planning that goes into solving the levels. Levels can’t just be solved through random happenstance; this requires experimentation and testing. Each level is like building a machine and trying to find a way to make it work properly, and then the scores at the end of each level are grades on how effective the machine is. This isn’t just about flinging objects and hoping they’ll work; this requires actual thought to succeed. The list of top scores on each level can really help players to try and find better solutions, especially as little adjustments can mean a lot of points. The game’s level editor deserves particular mention; it allows players to make their own levels and share them with other players in the game, and is extremely powerful. How powerful is it? Well, the developers claim that they made all the levels in the game in that level editor itself. The editor can be complex, but it allows for pretty much any type of level that the engine can handle to be possible. The HD version of the game continues a trend that I and other multiple device owners can appreciate, as it is universal.
The more complex design of iBlast Moki 2 means that many of the solutions to the game can be very difficult to even start to try and figure out, and while solutions are available to view, they are limited by the number of coins that the player has, and it appears as if the only way to get them is to complete worlds. iBlast Moki 2 really needs a fast forward feature, as testing out slightly improved solutions can become quite time-consuming in the later, more complex levels. The HD version of the game really could use cross-platform waves; this is a feature not seen in a lot of games, but it does exist, and would be fantastic for this game! There is a way to synchronize solutions between platforms, but no actual progress synchronization.
iBlast Moki 2 is a game that at first I loved, then I hated because it was making me angry. The first world of 20 levels or so is simple enough, but once the second world rolls around, the game becomes a lot more challenging. Frustration will abound, but it just makes success so much sweeter. Few games make me feel like the genius that I am quite like this one when I succeed. Fans of the original will want to check this one out, particularly as the new items and the level editor are fantastic additions to the game.
iBlast Moki 2 HD
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $2.99
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About: iBlast Moki 2 HD Review is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/reviews/iblast-moki-2-hd-review/
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