I must admit, the existence of Localmind is something I wasn’t even aware of until recently. Now I’m wondering why that is, since it’s a rather ingenious app. Utilizing an iOS device’s GPS in order to let users ask and answer questions about various destinations in their area seems like the kind of thing that’s both ahead of its time and has been a long time coming. It’s odd that it’s taken so long, I know.
So recently Localmind (the developer) released a new update for Localmind (the app) which includes a slew of new things. A number of them are being touted as mostly unnoticeable but still important (i.e. small tweaks and such). However, there are also a trio of specific additions that users have been clamoring for.
First, users can now use photos to answer questions which can provide some (I would imagine) very handy visual aids, such as an honest look at how long a line might be. Second, it’s now possible to answer past questions and those that have already been answered, adding a second (or third, or fourth, etc.) impression. Third, and perhaps most puzzling for a “Top 3 Requested Features” feature, is the ability to turn off the anonymous feature and use a real name and/or portrait. I’m not entirely sure about how essential that last one is, but I can certainly see how the other two options can be handy.
Localmind is the kind of app that can certainly be useful to just about anyone on certain occasions, such as when going to the movies or heading off to the airport. Folks such as myself in major metropolitan areas will no doubt get even more use out of it. Regardless, anyone who leaves the house every now and then would do well to check this out. Especially given the increased usefulness with this update.
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
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Released: 2011-03-08 :: Category: Social Networking
Apps mentioned in this post: Localmind
About: Localmind Gets a 1.5 Update, Includes Pictures is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/localmind-15-update-includes-pictures/
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