TuneTug Review
By Jennifer Allen on August 23rd, 2011Our Rating:
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
An ingenious solution to knowing what music would be popular at a party.
Price: Free
Version Reviewed: 1.5
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 4
iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Re-use Value Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars
Overall Rating: 3.92 out of 5 stars
Having been to a very enjoyable wedding reception in recent weeks, I think I’ve spotted the ideal time for an app like TuneTug to come into its own. For smaller gatherings, TuneTug is potentially even more useful.
It’s an app that allows users to vote on what music they want to be played next at a social gathering like a party. One user sets the app up using a playlist concocted from an iPhone or iTunes library then sends invites over to others so that they can vote. Other iOS device users can simply use the app to vote from there by logging into the current party. This can be done either by just allowing anyone to join in or by using a simple pass code type system. People with other types of Smartphone can be sent a web link in order to vote so that they can participate too. Users can either set up an account or just log into Facebook unobtrusively.
It’s simple enough to use too. All music is lined up just like a playlist and users simply tap either ‘Tug up’ or ‘Tug down’ depending on if they want the song played or not. The song with the most up tugs is then played next. The admin of the group can set up a maximum amount of votes so that everyone gets a balanced shot at the music they want played, plus everyone can check out who voted for what song.
It’s a simple but effective system that could be a heck of a lot of fun in the right situation. As it’s dependent on iTunes/iPod playlists, professional scenarios might not find it as useful (having been nosey when at the wedding reception, that DJ didn’t use iTunes) but in smaller gatherings, it’s a fantastic idea. It adds a social element to music choosing and means there’s no chance of a row as it’s as democratic as it gets. An ideal utility for any social occasion that calls for democratic music choices.
TuneTug - Social DJ
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
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Apps mentioned in this post: TuneTug - Social DJ
About: TuneTug Review is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/reviews/tunetug-review/
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