Babes VS Robots
By Danyel Rios on September 30th, 2011Our Rating:
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Babes blowing up robots in a fun game with a quick learning curve, interesting backgrounds and tons of levels. Babes VS Robots lives up to its name.
Price: $0.99
Version Reviewed: 1.01
Device Reviewed On: iPod touch
Graphics / Sound Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars
Game Controls Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Gameplay Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Replay Value Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars
Overall Rating: 3.31 out of 5 stars
Blowing up robots in my spare time as a hot ginger protagonist? Please and thank you. While some my liken this physics based game back to that other physics game that rocked the iOS platforms' world and spawned several thousand video posts of the most random assortment of fandom, Babes VS Robots can definitely hold it's own. Which is important, especially when saving the world from conquering hordes of soulless robots.
The dynamic group of femme fatales known as The Babes have been captured by automatons of destruction. Alas, humanity is on the brink of extinction and the only hope is Red Roxy, a member of the Babes who managed to escape capture. Use Red Roxy to take revenge on these mechanical menaces. Blow up the bots using multiple weapons and combat strategy. A combination of brute force and thoughtful attacks will get more points then just leveling the field in this game. With 63 levels this physics based blow-um-up is some good playtime.
As most have figured out by now, I am in love with musicality. Apart from blowing up robots, which is just plain thrilling, Babes VS Robots has some delightful music and sound effects. A good explosion sound is quite satisfying. It personally puts me in a jaunty mood. The game play is fun, the challenges vary from easy to brow furrowing and silent cursing, and the learning curve is relatively low and quick. However, just because it is easy to learn does not mean that it will be just as easy to master.
The downsides to Babes VS Robots? The sensitivity of the aiming and power of the weapons launcher seems to be a bit too touchy. If players move their finger just a hair in the wrong direction, their weapon ends up in the ground directly in front of them instead of going completely vertical for some of those narrow aerial shots. The other issue is the enforced purchase of themes after you complete the first 21 levels. With 8 themes, of which only 2 themes are available now, the cost of the game will end up being 7x the original purchase price. Is $8 when spread out over a few weeks or months really that much, especially when some of us spend more on high calorie sugary coffee drinks in a 48 hour period? Each individual gamer can make the call on that.
All in all Babes VS Robots is a fun physics based game with a quick learning curve, interesting scenes, good music and sound effects, and can potentially have a massive amount of levels once all the themes are created and if the gamer is willing to pay for them.
Babes Vs. Robots
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $0.99
Released: 2011-09-08 :: Category: Games
Apps mentioned in this post: Babes Vs. Robots
About: Babes VS Robots is a post from 148Apps
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