Game titles nowadays are often just so ambiguous. Boss Battles from Backflip Studios doesn’t muck around with any kind of ambiguity in its title. This is a shoot ‘em up that is pretty much all about the boss battles. There are eight different bosses to take on, each with different attacks and weak spots. When a boss is defeated, the player nets a bounty of gems for the conquest, which can be spent on ship upgrades such as support weapons. Repeat battles get more challenging, but also more lucrative. Defeat will come to the player often, so thankfully each boss fight begins with a wave of normal enemies that are just there for collecting gems, which go toward upgrades. The game is free to play, supported by ads and in-app purchases of additional gems. This all goes without mentioning that the protagonist is a squirrel with a commanding officer who is a bear. Why? Well, why not?
Boss Battles
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-09-29 :: Category: Games
Boss Battles HD
iPad Only App - Designed for the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-09-29 :: Category: Games
About: Boss Battles is a Game That Does Indeed Have Bosses, and Battling Thereof is a post from 148Apps
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