The Books category on the App Store is second only to Games, by application count. For real! In other words, besides games, books are the most numerous type of apps in Apple’s marketplace for iOS apps. That’s stunning for a device whose creator once famously said, “people don’t read any more.” Here are our choices for the best of the category this week.
Storyville, by Fatty Apps, Inc, brings users one story each week to this universal app. They publish stories from new collections in bookstores from indie publishing presses, like Graywolf Press, Soft Skull Press, and Archipelago Books. Writers and stories are from the past and the present – and the future, if we think about it.
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $4.99
Released: 2010-12-01 :: Category: Books
Dark Eden, by PC Studio, Inc., is a multi-episode teaser/enrichment app for a book due to be released in November of this year. This app will have 14 episodes, each at $0.99, or $9.99 for the whole run. The first episode, The Arrival, is free. Check out this multimedia experience with notes, maps, videos and audio diaries in the app store now.
Dark Eden
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-08-08 :: Category: Books
Book readers can always use a way to organize those large piles of dead tree, right? Book Crawler, by Jaime Stokes, aims to do just that. Adding books with the ISBN barcode scanner and search/organize by title, author, publisher, copyright, cover art, summaries, Goodreads reviews, and local library locations. Seems like a one stop collector’s paradise!
Book Crawler
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $1.99
Read Our Full Review >>
What would a list of recommended book apps be without a children’s book in it? We suspect a large number of book apps are bought by parents who want to bring the iPad into their family’s story time ritual. Harold and the Purple Crayon, published for iOS by Trilogy Studios, continues to be one of our favorite books for kids, and the universal version is available in the App Store for a good price. Keep on drawin’, Harold!
Harold and the Purple Crayon
Universal App - Designed for iPhone and iPad
Buy Now: $4.99
Released: 2011-07-29 :: Category: Books
Apps mentioned in this post: Book Crawler, Dark Eden, Harold and the Purple Crayon, Storyville
About: Book Apps To Watch is a post from 148Apps
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