We’ve all been there. Two sports events are on at once and it’s a judgement call to figure out which one to watch and which one to just keep an eye on the score of. While sometimes it’s the obvious game with the two big leading teams against each other, other times it’s a more subtle David and Goliath style conflict that turns out to be the more exciting game. How to figure out which one as soon as possible though? Maybe Thuuz will be able to help there.
It’s an app that, using some unique and mysterious algorithms, figures out the excitement of each game in real-time then rates it on a scale of 0-100. Users pick their favorite sports, teams and players, set their excitement threshold and then the app gets to work.
Currently monitoring a wide variety of sports such as NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, Soccer, Cricket, Rugby as well as college sports like Football and Basketball, this app should have sports fans pretty covered for figuring out what to watch.
Further functionality is offered with the ability to watch live games when in the US as well as track down the nearest sports bar to catch the action.
It’s a free app so give it a shot and why not report back on how it’s gone. Initial feedback is looking pretty darn promising. Finally, this predicament could be solved!
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: FREE
Released: 2011-09-13 :: Category: Sports
Apps mentioned in this post: Thuuz
About: Thuuz: Tracking Down The Most Exciting Sports Games is a post from 148Apps
Source: http://www.148apps.com/news/thuuz-tracking-exciting-sports-games/
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