Check this out – TweetSpeaker, a new app from App Cubby, allows users to listen to their tweet stream. Picture listening to twitter on a walk, in the car, during a commute on the bus, wherever reading them isn’t an option. Individuals with disabilities that cannot read text for whatever reason (visual or motoric disability, for example) can finally use a well-designed Twitter client made specifically for listening instead of reading the social media service. Folks without a disability can also revel in the well designed, pretty interface that allows us all to access our Twitter stream in just about every environment we have network access in.
TweetSpeaker also features Tweet Marker support, a web service for setting and getting the “last read” tweet for a given Twitter user. It can be used to sync where a user was last across multiple Twitter clients and platforms – a helpful thing if switching between a standard Twitter client like Twitterific or Tweetbot and TweetSpeaker.
TweetSpeaker is available now in the iTunes App Store for $2.99.
Tweet Speaker - Listen to Twitter
iPhone App - Designed for the iPhone, compatible with the iPad
Buy Now: $2.99
Released: 2011-10-05 :: Category: Social Networking
Apps mentioned in this post: Tweet Speaker - Listen to Twitter, Twitterrific for Twitter
About: TweetSpeaker Speaks Tweets. Say That Three Times Fast. is a post from 148Apps
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